Halloween 2002 on State Street click to enlarge photos Drunks On Parade

Drunks On Parade

Drunks On Parade

Drunks On Parade

Drunks On Parade

Drunks On Parade

OK I am part of the problem

The above is a compelling argument, I believe, for a return to the 18 year old alcohol age. Or even no limit at all.
Since the powers that be have decided the limit should be 21, alcohol has become more attractive, more reified, more abused and more destructive than in years past. Young people today never learn to enjoy a glass in a social setting. They drink until they puke. Or drop flat on the pavement. Or injure someone, often themselves.

We need, as a culture, to turn down the volume on the issues of alcohol.

I'd like to see relaxed regulation of sales until alcohol takes a normal place again in society. I'd also welcome stringent enforcement of ordinances proscribing public drunkenness, which has been forgotten as a useful concept, a concept rooted in the preservation of civility and quiet enjoyment. I have no moral problem with a child having access to alcohol, per se. In fact, a glass of wine with dinner occasionally might be a very good idea. Let's place the emphasis where I believe it belongs - alcohol's abuse. That's the problem, not alcohol itself or its legitimate use..

A little alcohol is good! When we pretend that it is not, we encourage its abuse. .

how to order a Halloween like this in your city
Our Lousy Uninspired 2006 Halloween

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